Rimbey BGC

Rimbey BGC

Rimbey BGC website

Contact: 403-704-6641 or rimbeydirector@bgcwolfcreek.com


Boys and Girls Club Schools Out Program

Tuesday Feb 20th - Steam Day

Lets get messy and explore science through some fun experiments

Wednesday Feb 21st - Wacky Wednesday

Bring a white T-Shirt to Tie-Dye. Glitter tattoos, wacky hair and nail salon fun

Thursday Feb 22nd - Sports Day

Bowling Party at Strickers Alley

Friday Feb 23rd - Art Day

Lets' see your creativity through art in the snow, to painting ceramics!


8:30AM - 5:30PM

$25/a Day  |  Grade K-6 Welcome  

Counseling Program

BGC WOLF CREEK is thrilled to be able to offer a FREE Child and Family Counselling Program to Rimbey.

Their agency has hired the services of Toni Lassu, Licensed and Registered Child and Family Therapist (M.A., CCC), and they are pleased to be able to have her offer her services to Rimbey one day a week (Fridays).

Toni will be offering individual, group and/or family sessions. Her office will be located at the BGC Wolf Creek offices which are upstairs at the Rimbey Nazarene Church.

Referrals are welcome immediately, with Friday, February 10 being the first day in Rimbey.

Contact 403-783-3112 or counselor@bgcwolfcreek.com