Our School

Grades Taught



Rimbey Elementary is a Pre-K to 6 school with approximately 350 students, 17 teaching staff, 8 educational assistants 2 administrators, an administrative assistant, a librarian, 2 custodians and a school Social Worker.


Principal: Jodi Bramfield

Email: jodi.bramfield@wolfcreek.ab.ca

Assistant Principal: Stacy Sargeant

Email: stacy.sargeant@wolfcreek.ab.ca


We believe that education of our children is a partnership between home, school and the child. For students to be successful in their learning, all members of the partnership must fulfil their roles and responsibilities. Parents are an integral part of that partnership and a key element in the success of children in school. We welcome parent involvement as part of our learning team. With your involvement and support, students will always benefit. Communication is an important part of the success of any partnership. Parents, students and staff are working towards the achievement of our school goals. Together we can create the best learning experience for our children.

Children do well if they have the tools they need to succeed.

Education Plan

2023-2024 ACE Plan

School Hours

  • 8:15 AM - staff on supervision
  • 8:21 AM - welcome bell (students should not arrive before 8:15, as there is no supervision)
  • 3:11 PM - dismissal

Lunch breaks are staggered to reduce congestion.

There is no supervision after the buses have left (3:20 pm), students are expected to leave the school grounds immediately.


Office Hours

  • Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM (school days)



Designated Student Entrance Map